Again, we find ourselves in a country in South Asia. A girl joined Sunday school several months ago. She was scared to join as her mom is unmarried. The Coach or teacher found her very shy and nervous. She would not talk in class nor participate in any of the activities. But slowly she began to mingle with the other children and became interested in the lessons being taught. She was a quick learner. The teacher shared, “God was preparing her heart to know Him.” She began praying at her own house, reading the Bible stories and sharing them with others. Both A and her mother came to know the God of the Bible. Together they regularly attend weekly fellowship.
The Calming Effect of Sunday School on Our Children
Our leaders conduct trainings for their coaches. Their Multiplying Coaches Training Center graduates use the Prayer Covenant for Children in their house churches. Last month, two new families came to one of their leader’s fellowship gatherings because the children who were regularly attending shared with two other families. The leader wrote, “We are so excited to share the Prayer Covenant books because they are transforming both children and parents.” It was thrilling for them to hear the parents sharing testimonies about how they witnessed the transformation in the lives of their children and how they love to sing and read the book of Bible stories.
U is 11 years old and was invited by her friend Mary to attend Sunday school. On her very first day she received the beautiful prayer covenant book and began to read it. She loved the illustrations. It drew her in as she read about God’s grace, love and compassion. As she learned about this God of love, she too became a follower. Her coach helped her grow in the Lord by praying with her and teaching her songs of worship. As she began praying she understood the power of praying in Jesus’ name.
I am amazed by the testimonies I read over and over of children who go to Sunday school for the first time, begin learning about Jesus through the Bible stories and get so excited about what they are learning they share it with their parents. We recently had a two hour ZOOM call with our national leaders. They reported Kids are coming to Christ and helping bring their parents to Christ. They are becoming multiplying disciples–and the small cell churches are growing.